I wasn't really sure what hike I was going to do up till several days before hike day, but as I was watching the weather forecast and saw that the weather was looking perfect for a hike, with clear skies and great views, I knew that I wanted to do a hike that would allow for some amazing views. Last October, when I had climbed Algonquin and Wright, it was in the midst of a snow storm and there were absolutely no views from the top of Algonquin. It seemed like the obvious choice, Algonquin and Iroquois! I posted the hike on Hiking Mates with only a few days notice, so I ended up doing this hike solo, which doesn't bother me in the least. I enjoy the company and entertainment of hiking with a group, but I also enjoy the peace and quietness of solo hiking. On my way up from the Loj, I ran into a number of parties of people also hiking Algonquin. No surprise there, as it is one of the most popular mountains in the 'dacks. I made great time up to the summit of Algonquin and was rewarded with some absolutely gorgeous views from on top! It's easy to see why this is one of the most hiked high peaks. While on top, I ran into Stu from VFTT and chatted with him for a few minutes, before being chased (well not really) by giant summit flies/bees over to Iroquois. The decent off the west side of Algonquin is one of my favorites in all the Adirondacks, the terrain is so cool and alpine! I forged my way through the herd path and over the bog, past Boundary Mt 1 and 2, and onto Iroquois. There were two tough rock scrambles that I had to scale to make it to the summit, but with a little time and caution I made it up both with no incidents and bagged my only new summit of the day. Wow, Iroquois is quite nice! It has an amazing view, but also a level of seclusion that it's big brother doesn't have. I enjoyed a good half hour or more on top, soaking up the view and the sun before packing up and heading back over to Algonquin. When I reached the summit of Al, I was greeted with a group of summit stewards and trainees, and two biologists. They were checking out the alpine flora as I said one last goodbye to the view and headed back down the trail.
I think overall this is one of my favorite hikes so far...great views, majestic mountains!
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