Getting close, only three hikes left! Patrick, Tracy and I started out of the Loj and headed for Lake Arnold to do this as a loop hike. As we started the day, the weather was pretty decent, but as the day continued it got worse and worse as rain clouds moved in. We still had some nice weather as we passed between Colden and Gray through the Feldspar. By the time we started the climb to Tear of the Clouds and the Four Corners the rain had started and it really never let up for the rest of the day. When we got the the lake, Tracy went on to wait for us, since she had already hiked Gray and had no desire to go slopping up to the summit in the rain, so Patrick and I who both needed it, trudged up through the wet trees and eventually made it to the top in the middle of the clouds. We snapped a couple photos and descended back down and headed up to the Four Corners to meet up with Tracy. When we got there we found her and the other two members of the hike that started late and had planned to catch up with us there. We took a lunch break and dropped our packs for a quick jaunt up to the summit of Skylight. I love hiking in the alpine terrain , and with the rain and clouds that's about all the view I got to enjoy. Since it was already crappy weather I didn't bother to bring a rock up to the top of Skylight, as the tradition is. We picked up our packs and make the last, and steepest climb of the day, up the backside of Mt Marcy. That approach definitely takes the cake for the longest, exposed rock scramble to a summit that I have yet to do. It was made a bit more treacherous because of the rain on the rocks make them even less grippy. The calves were burning a bit, but everyone made it to the top, safe and sound. We didn't linger too much though due to the rain, wind, and lack of views, so we started trucking on down the mountain. This was the first time I had ever been up Marcy without it being snow and ice covered. Marcy was actually the first high peak that I every summited back in the mid 90's. We all made really good time on our descent, considering that we had to mind the wet rocks. Once we reached the Phelps trail splitoff, several of us decided to jog the rest of the way out. Just after crossing Marcy Dam the rain turned into pouring rain and only increased the desire to get back to the Loj as fast as possible to change out of the wet clothes. It was unfortunate that this hike was socked in like it was and offered no views, but I have no doubts that I'll head back up another time and will get to enjoy the views then. Three more and counting!
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